Monday, December 29, 2008

D.C. Code §§ 38-306 and 38-308

Eventually and ideally I will find laws of olde from a wide variety of jurisdictions. In the meantime, enjoy the redundancy:

§ 38-306. Proof of residency All students enrolled in District of Columbia public schools and public charter schools funded by the District of Columbia or a student for whom educational services are paid by the District of Columbia shall provide proof of residency in the District or pay tuition pursuant to § 38-302. A determination of residency status shall be made annually for each such student. The methods used to determine residency status shall be consistent across District of Columbia public schools and public charter schools and shall be crafted to facilitate rather than hinder school enrollment of eligible students.

§ 38-308. Establishment of residency (a) The residency status of each student enrolling in a DCPS school or public charter school funded by the District of Columbia or a student for whom educational services are paid by the District of Columbia shall be established by October 5, or within 10 days of the time of initial enrollment, whichever occurs later, within the school year for which the student is being enrolled. Residency status shall be re-established annually. Residency status shall be established through the use of satisfactory documentation as set forth in §§ 38-309 and 38-310. The State Education Office, pursuant to § 38-2604(b)(3), shall establish such rules and procedures to carry out residency verification as it deems appropriate and as are consistent with this chapter.

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